
Guess what the easy cure to sleep apnea is?

Guess what the easy cure to sleep apnea is?

I'll give you a hint... it is not a CPAP!

Guess what the easy cure to sleep apnea is?

I'll give you a hint... it is not a CPAP!

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The real reason I believe Bruce Willis got dementia

The real reason I believe Bruce Willis got deme...

He obviously did some dental work, which most likely flattened his curve of spee

The real reason I believe Bruce Willis got deme...

He obviously did some dental work, which most likely flattened his curve of spee

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What Likely Happened to Selena Gomez

What Likely Happened to Selena Gomez

From great structure to physical and mental health collapse by her mid-20's. There's only one culprit I know of that can cause this :)

What Likely Happened to Selena Gomez

From great structure to physical and mental health collapse by her mid-20's. There's only one culprit I know of that can cause this :)

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My bite is uneven... will a mouthguard help?

My bite is uneven... will a mouthguard help?

Yes, it will. The reason lies in the physics of how the skull expands and contracts.

My bite is uneven... will a mouthguard help?

Yes, it will. The reason lies in the physics of how the skull expands and contracts.

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Teeth must move for the Reviv process

Teeth must move for the Reviv process

So my recommendation is to AVOID wearing braces, aligners, or retainers while undergoing the Reviv process.

Teeth must move for the Reviv process

So my recommendation is to AVOID wearing braces, aligners, or retainers while undergoing the Reviv process.

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How to solve the problem?

How to solve the problem?

I go through the various methods of how to solve your health issues and essentially reverse age

How to solve the problem?

I go through the various methods of how to solve your health issues and essentially reverse age

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